- Our Policies -
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Our Policies
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
We respect your privacy
Privacy of your personal information is important to us and we conduct our business with respect and integrity. We are committed to protecting your privacy and we abide by the National Privacy Principles contained within the NSW Privacy Act(1988) governing the use and release of personal information. These principles will be applied to the collecting, storing and utilisation of confidential information.
Little Explorers Early Learning Centre ensures that all information collected from persons will be considered private and confidential and not disclosed without the prior knowledge or consent from the individual or their legal representative.
The service will inform persons of the circumstances when information will be disclosed to other parties.
In meeting the service's duty of care, it is requirement under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 that management and educators implement and endorse the service's Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.

What information do we collect, why and how is it used?
Personal information that the service collects includes:
contact details of children, families, educators, students, and management;
children, educators, students, emergency contacts details;
children's health status, immunisation and developmental records, external agency information, custodial arrangements, incident records, and medication records;
educators documentation relating to recruitment and selection, performance reviews, qualifications, work history, child protection checks, health status, immunisation records and workers' compensation claims;
student and volunteer work history, child protection checks; and
information relating to families' Child Care Subsidy status and any other additional funding arrangements.
All this information is vital in assisting us to provide the best possible individual care for your child and for processing payments. Some of the information we collect is to satisfy the service’s legal obligations under the relevant childcare legislation.
Naturally much of this information is of a personal nature and some of it might be regarded as 'sensitive' and not the sort of information that you would wish to have unnecessarily disclosed to others.
We assure you that:
This information will only be used by our child care professionals in order to deliver your child's care to the highest standards
It will not be disclosed to those not associated with the care of your child without your express permission
You may ask to seek access to the information held about you and your child and we will provide access without undue delay
We will take reasonable steps to ensure at all times that the details we keep about your family are accurate, complete and up to date
Our educators are committed to respect these principles at all times
Documents and records that are confidential in nature (including archived material) will be stored in a secure place for the periods of time required by law and available only to persons who have appropriate identification to warrant authorisation.
Details recorded on incident reports will refrain from identifying another child.
In accordance with DoCS Regulations all confidential files will remain on the premises.
Requests to access confidential information must be made in writing and will only be released when family and/or management permission is verified.
Confidential Information includes:
Personal information that the service collects includes:
The fact that any particular child is or has been enrolled including details of enrolment.
Details of that child and/or their family (including telephone numbers).
Educators personal details (including telephone numbers).
Educators or programme grievances or complaints.
Files and records regarding children, their families and educators.
Manuals, records, reports and other documents pertaining to the service.
Names of children involved in incidents that may have caused injury to another child.
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