- Our Policies -
Children's Absence Policy
Our Policies
Children's Absence Policy
When a child is absent from the Centre parents are encouraged to advise the centre. On the child's return to the Centre, the reason for the absence is required. The Centre sign in/out sheet needs to be signed and reason noted for Childcare Assistance purposes.
If sufficient notice is given of the child’s absence their position may be replaced temporarily whilst the child is away. If a child is absent and no contact has been made with the Centre within two weeks, the Childs position will be terminated.
Fees are due and payable for all absences.
Childcare Subsidy will also be received for all absences up to a total of 42.
Childcare assistance will be paid for absences if:
attendance records are correctly completed by the centre and allowable absences are initialled by the parent
supporting documentation is provided, where necessary, and
parents have paid their contribution to the fee.

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